Sunday 2 December 2007


If there is an enterprising scientist reading who fancies doing a PHD on why, with weeks to go before an important deadline, my computer explodes without fail, then please do contact me. It happened during filming with Posy, it happened before Raindance.

Three hours ago, it happened again.

This time it appears to be the motherboard. Which also really means that, for compatibility reasons, you pretty much have to go the whole hog and get a new processor, memory, yadda yadda. All very nice I'm sure, but on Wednesday I have the small matter to attend to of finishing two movies, and the all-important hard drives are currently sitting in a rather pathetic looking carcass that, until tea time, used to be My PC.

Finishing-the-movies is what this post was originally going to be about. At the moment, you see, the version I have is, um, not entiiiiiiiiiiirely legal, for various copyright reasons. The all new (and improved!) version that will be released in under 4 weeks will be. But, you lucky people, I will save such exciting tales for another day as I need to lie down in a darkened room for a while.

1 comment:

Rod Duncan said...

Perhaps this is the universe reminding us that any control we think we have is an illusion.

As a ventan of more crashed computers than I care to count, I send deepest sympathy.